Registration, Credit & Transcripts

Below are important academic considerations and policies at Pitzer. In addition to familiarizing yourself with this information, it is important that you take some time to learn about the academic culture of your program and host institution. 

Registration at Pitzer

All students will be registered at Pitzer in a 4-credit study abroad placeholder course. The SAIP Office will handle your Pitzer registration, so you should not register yourself for any on-campus classes during the term you intend to study abroad.

Credit and Course Load While Abroad

You are required to enroll in a full-time course load as defined by your program and Pitzer College. In most cases, and for most programs, this means that students must take a course load abroad that is the equivalent of 4 Pitzer credits. It is crucial that you pay attention to the credit awarded for your coursework, not the number of classes. You may be taking as few as two classes or as many as eight or more classes per semester to receive the equivalent of four course credits at Pitzer.

This table shows the equivalent of 4 Pitzer credits in various credit systems. You are expected to enroll in enough courses to meet the total number of credits, per semester, in the credit system used for your program.

Credit SystemPitzer CreditsU.S. Semester CreditsECTSHoras SemanalesBhutanese Credits
# Credits (Full-Time Load)415-16302054

*Note: If the credit system used for your program is not listed here, consult with your SAIP adviser to confirm how many total credits are required.

Transcripts & Grades

  • Pitzer Programs: All grades from Pitzer Programs will appear on the Pitzer College transcript and be factored into the term and cumulative GPA. Students must take all courses offered on the program, and no drops or substitutions are permitted. Students must also take all courses for a letter grade, not pass/no credit.
  • Exchange, ISEP Direct, SIGE, or Third-Party Programs: Students will receive transfer credit at Pitzer for coursework taken abroad, following the transfer credit policies listed in the Academic Catalog. All grades will appear on the Pitzer College transcript but are not calculated in the term or cumulative GPA. Only courses with earned grades of “C” or above (or the equivalent in the local grading system) will be transferable to Pitzer. Students must take all program courses for a letter grade, not pass/no credit. If you believe a course is only offered pass/no credit, check with your SAIP adviser before enrolling.
    • Transcripts are typically received by Pitzer a few months following program completion, as long as you have made arrangements with your program and/or host institution for an official transcript to be released to Pitzer College. Note that your signature may be required to release a transcript to a third party. Make sure your student account is paid in full before you leave so the institution does not put a financial hold on your transcript. 
    • Transcripts should be sent to the Office of Study Abroad and International Programs, Pitzer College, Box A-109, 1050 N. Mills, Claremont, CA 91711. You may receive your own copy of your transcript, but Pitzer can only accept a transcript directly from you if it is in hard copy in a signed and sealed envelope. We will accept a transcript sent to directly from an official at the college or university via an official college or university email account. 
  • Students who wish to receive credit towards a major for a particular course should consult with their academic adviser for guidelines. At Pitzer College, the field group decides which courses may count towards a major or minor. The Registrar in conjunction with various field groups decides which courses may count towards general graduation requirements. Some schools field groups or departments may require the syllabus, coursework, texts, or other program materials, so be sure to hold on to these. Remember the credit per class abroad varies and may affect the credit applied toward graduation requirements. Check before you go.
  • If you have a dispute over your grades, please contact the program for information on correcting or contesting your grade. Pitzer cannot change a grade on an official transcript.
  • You are required to complete your program evaluation before your study abroad grades will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for posting to your Pitzer College transcript.

Code of Conduct & Academic Dishonesty

As a reminder, Pitzer students are bound by the Code of Student Conduct wile abroad. This includes adhering to academic conduct policies and academic integrity standards, which prohibit all academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, and claiming credit falsely. You are also bound by the rules, regulations, and policies set by your program, on-site administrators at your host institution, and housing and other service providers.

Actions that violate the Code of Student Conduct or any other rules, regulations, or policies dictated by your program could result in a variety of sanctions, outcomes, and interventions, including potential dismissal from the program.